Round Cheese Vat
Our pasteurizer/cheese vats are 3-A certified.
Round Cheese Vat
Our pasteurizer/cheese vats are 3‑A certified.
Your Trusted Source for Dairy Processing Equipment
C. van 't Riet / Dairy Technology USA in DuBois, PA specializes in manufacturing milk processing and cheese making equipment for small farm operations and industrial facilities. We have more than 125 years of experience in the industry, developing equipment for the production of cheese, yogurt, butter, ice cream, and bottled milk.
Aside from our standard line of equipment, we also offer custom-made products to meet the specific requirements of our clients. Machines manufactured for the USA and Canada are designed according to the guidelines set by the 3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc. and the requirements of the Pasteurized Milk Ordinance (PMO).

Round cheese vat
Purchase 3-A Certified Round Cheese Vats 3A certified Our pasteurizers / cheese vats are 3A certified. (click here for a copy of the certificate) Specifications Sizes from 32 to 660 gallons / 120 to 2,500 liters.All our cheese vats are made of triple stainless steel walls with insulated jackets.Hot or cold water can circulate through a spray-pipe in…

Double O cheese vat
Sizes from 290 to 2,000 gallons / 1,100-7,570 liters All our cheese vats are made of triple stainless steel walls with insulated jackets. Hot or cold water can circulate through a spray-pipe in the jacket of the vat. The cheese vat can be delivered as a combination cheese vat / pasteurizer. The cheese vat is…

Oblong cheese vat
Sizes from 580 to 2,000 gallons / 2,200 to 7,570 liters All our cheese vats are made of triple stainless steel walls with insulated jackets. Hot or cold water can circulate through a spray-pipe in the jacket of the vat. Oblong cheese vat 580 gallon / 2,200 liter Oblong cheese vat 2,000 gallon / 7,500 liter The…

Closed cheese vat
Sizes from 528 to 2,641 gallons / 2,000 to 10,000 liters All our cheese vats are made of triple stainless steel walls with insulated jackets. The vat is automatically controlled through a PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) and a color touch screen. The operator can check what part of the program is running and see which components are active…

Vat / Batch Pasteurizer
3A certified Our pasteurizers / cheese vats are 3A certified. (click here for a copy of the certificate) Specifications Sizes from 26 to 800 gallons / 100 to 3,028 liters All our vat pasteurizers are made of triple stainless steel walls with insulated jackets. Hot or cold water can circulate through a spray-pipe in the jacket of the…

HTST Pasteurizer
Capacity 132-5,283 gallon / 500-20,000 liter per hour. All our High Temperature Short Time pasteurizers are custom made. The pasteurizer has a high efficiency heat exchanger with a section for pre-heating, pasteurization, regeneration and cooling. Energy regeneration up to 95% can be reached. The product is heated to at least 161°F / 72°C with a…

Manual drainage-finishing table
A drainage-finishing table can be used to pre-press the curd and drain the whey and cut blocks that fit into a particular size of cheese mold. The manual drainage-finishing table is made to fit to the capacity of curd in the cheese vat. The curd can flow by gravity from the the cheese vat to the drainage-finishing…

Automatic drainage-finishing table
The automatic drainage-finishing table is used to pre-press the curd and drain the whey and cut blocks that fit into a particular size of cheese mold. The machine is PLC controlled and has a color touch-screen from where the parameters can be entered for different sizes and styles of cheese. An overhead device moves over…